The right choice that makes the Difference

Established 26 years ago VAT CLAIMS INTERNATIONAL specialises in identifying & recovering unclaimed VAT. SARS recognises that VAT omissions can occur allowing Vendors up to 5 years to correct. Recoveries occur based on missed opportunities available in the VAT Act and incomplete processing.

Our engagement covers the following areas:

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VAT Efficiency Review
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VAT Exposure Review and
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Consideration of your VAT systems, processes, controls & procedures.

Companies undertake this exercise to confirm the efficiency of their VAT systems, processes and procedures. The results of such an exercise is a control procedure which you can report to your audit committee complimenting macro activities of Group Tax & Internal Audit by a micro level transactional review.

Should VCI find VAT leakage their report will categorise the savings into the following categories:

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Failure to recognise applicable VAT

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Misapplication of the Act
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Errors in processing
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System errors
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Procedural errors

…to enable corrective action to be undertaken.
We bill on a success basis based only on what we identify and recover so the service pays for itself. There are no hidden costs.


Get advice from the Professionals

Kevin Black

Kevin Black co-founded VAT Claims International in 1999, together with Teren Kamener.

Kevin qualified as a Chartered Accountant in January 1995 having passed the FQE at first attempt. He subsequently wrote the CIMA examinations with the London based Chartered Institute of Management Accountants becoming an Associate in 1996. Finally in 1997 Kevin wrote the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants “AICPA” examination.

Prior to starting VAT Claims Kevin worked at Afrox in the finance department and has more than 26 years of commercial and tax experience across a range of industries.

Cell: +27 (0)83 651 4655 |

Teren Kamener

Teren Kamener co-founded VAT Claims International in 1999  together with Kevin Black.

Upon finishing his Bachelor of Commerce degree Teren started his career at the Receiver of Revenue where he undertook his Certificate in Advanced Taxation. After 3 years at the Johannesburg office he was selected for their new office, the Advanced Centre for Taxation, which specialized in listed and high turnover companies.

Thereafter he joined Afrox where he was the Tax and Treasury accountant and undertook the Associate Membership Programme in Treasury Management from UNISA.

Thereafter Teren joined Deloitte and Touche as a tax consultant and after two years left to start Kewesa

Cell: +27 (0)82 330 2078 |


Our process in 5 easy steps

Asset 1@2x-8

Our Contact details

Kevin Black

Cell: +27 (0)83 651 4655

Teren Kamener

Cell: +27 (0)82 330 2078

Get in touch with us

    Claim Eligibility

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